Credit Card Debt Defense Houston

Looking for Credit Card Debt Defense here in Houston?

Are you being sued by your credit card company here in Houston, Texas? Is a credit card debt collector harassing you daily with non-stop phone calls? Perhaps you're just behind on your credit card bills and the bank is threatening to file a debt lawsuit against you. Or maybe you have a judgment here in Texas related to an old credit card account? Regardless of your current situation, we can help!

The credit card debt attorneys of Johnson & Bryan specialize in consumer debt lawsuit defense here in Houston. We've represented 1000's of Texans in your exact predicament and have saved them over $21 millon dollars in the process. We've fought and won cases against all the major credit card banks, including American Express, Capital One, Discover, and Wells Fargo. Over time, we have accumulated vast experience and relationships in all of the justice of the peace, district, county, and federal courts here in Houston. That experience turns into big savings for you when it comes time to fight your credit card company.

credit card lawsuit defense

Over the last five years, we have seen a substantial increase in the amount of lawsuits credit card companies are filing here in Texas. One reason is the boom in predatory lending. These are companies that lend to borrowers with sub-prime credit, at high interest rates and annual fees. These companies wait for you to get overextended on your credit line, or for you to have a financial emergency, and then become aggressive in collections, expecting you to default. Once you do, they quickly file a lawsuit in the hopes of getting a default judgment that will follow you the rest of your life. These lawsuits are happening faster than ever, sometimes after only a few months of missed payments.

Another reason for the explosion in credit card lawsuits is that the banks have figured out it's highly profitable. It costs them very little to sue you in court, and although they know you don't have the money to pay them back right now, once they obtain a credit card judgment, they can wait it out until you do. It's not uncommon for these credit card companies to freeze your bank account or put a lien on your home years after winning their debt lawsuit. Usually it will be at the worst time possible, when you have a large deposit in your account, or you are trying to sell your home. As you can see, it's very important for you to fight these lawsuits, to prevent a judgment and further debt collection efforts.

General Info

Learn about credit card debt defense in Texas.

Being sued over a credit card debt can be pretty nerve-racking. Chances are, you've never even been to court before. All of a sudden, you have officers of the court showing up at your home or work to serve you, certified letters from big law firms with hundreds of pages of evidence, and notices to appear in court, all within a few weeks. If you weren't already stressed out about this credit card debt, you sure are now!

We want to help with your credit card debt defense. Below you will find a general overview of the debt lawsuit process here in Texas, so you will know what to expect. For a more detailed overview, check out our page on debt lawsuits in Texas.

The Lawsuit Process
  1. Getting Served

    This is the first step to any lawsuit. An officer of the court will track you down at home or your work and officially serve you the notice of the lawsuit. The process is actually quite simple: they will verify you are the person they are looking for and hand you some papers. The problem is, they generally do this at the worst possible time. Imagine being called out of a meeting at work because an officer is up-front to see you. Try explaining that one to your co-workers. Or your neighbors coming by, asking about the cop car out front of your house the night before. If you know you are about to be sued, you can avoid this embarrassing situation by hiring us to defend you. We can make sure that service takes place at our office on your behalf, and avoid anyone else finding out about this credit card lawsuit.

  2. Filing an answer

    Once you've been served, the clock starts ticking. You have between 14-20 days to respond to the lawsuit (depending on what court the lawsuit is in). If you don't respond correctly within that time frame, your creditor will win a default judgment against you. In layman's terms, the court gives your creditor a free win and the case is over. You will now have a judgment for the full amount of the debt lawsuit, and your creditor can start collecting on the debt. Whatever you do, don't let your credit card company win a default judgment. By hiring us to represent you, we can make sure that the proper responses are filed on time and gain you a much longer time frame to figure out how to fight this lawsuit.

  3. Mount a defense

    Now is the time to learn as much as you can about your creditor's case against you. Again, depending on the court, this can be easy or this can be a nightmare. If your case is in a district or federal court, you can file a motion for discovery to get a good idea of the evidence your credit card company plans to present. If your case is in a justice of the peace court, good luck... Your creditor can literally ambush you at the hearing with evidence you have never seen, making it much more difficult to defend. This is where having an experienced credit card lawsuit lawyer on your side really pays off. We can expose serious flaws in your creditor's case based on previous experience with this credit card company and other lawsuits they have filed in the past. We can also give you the realistic odds you have of winning your case and possibly convince the creditor to dismiss the case altogether.

  4. Dismiss, Settle, or Fight

    Once you've determined the strength of your credit card company's case, you have the biggest decision to make. You really only have 3 options: convince the creditor to dismiss the case (you win), settle the case before trial (you and your creditor win), or take the case to trial (you or your creditor win). Obviously, you want to win, and if their case is weak, many times we can convince a creditor to drop the case altogether. Sometimes, though, the creditor has a strong case against you. In these situations, we highly recommend you agree to a settlement with the credit card company. Again, this is when having us on your side can really pay off. We routinely save our clients over 50% or more of their original debt when negotiating a settlement. If you and your creditor can't agree on a number, or you believe you have a strong case, but your creditor disagrees, then we can take your case to trial and let the judge decide. If you win, the debt is resolved and you owe nothing. If you lose, the creditor wins a judgment against you, and can then begin to collect on the full amount.

Now that you have a better understanding of the credit card lawsuit process in Texas, the next question is "what should you do?"

Johnson & Bryan Law Firm
Consumer Debt Relief Law Firm
701 N. Post Oak Road, Suite 140
Houston, Texas 77024
Phone:   (713) 751-0070
What We Do
  • Completely Take Over Your Case
  • Immediately Stop All Collection Efforts
  • Properly File All Necessary Documents
  • Attend Court Appearances On Your Behalf
  • Handle Communications With Your Creditor
  • Negotiate To Get The Lowest Deal Possible
  • Determine Your Best Lawsuit Defense
  • Reduce Or Eliminate Your Debt For Good
Get Help Now

Speak with one of our lawyers about your specific case. There's no charge and no sales pitch... just good legal advice.

Your Options

What you choose to do now can have a big impact on your future.

Do nothing, and hope this all goes away

This is what most people choose to do when facing a debt lawsuit. This is the single worst thing you can do for your financial future. If you take nothing else from reading our site, please DON'T CHOOSE THIS OPTION. When you do not respond to your creditors, they will eventually file a lawsuit against you. Once they do, you have between 14-20 days (depending on what court they file in) to respond. If you fail to respond, your creditor will win a "default judgment".

Once a creditor obtains a credit card debt default judgment, they can begin the process of collecting on the full amount. This is when your creditor will really start to turn the screws. Your creditor will now be legally allowed to seize your non-exempt assets, including freezing your bank account. For certain debts, they will also be allowed to garnish your wages. They can also file title liens against any property you may own. Your creditor can and will take extreme measures to collect this debt. The judgment is good for 10 years, and they can renew it indefinitely every 10 years after. It will never go away. Whatever you do, don't ignore this problem.


Represent yourself in court

For the ambitious debtor, this may appear like a reasonable option. We've all had that friend who fought their speeding ticket in court and won. Unfortunately, a civil debt lawsuit in Texas is an extremely complex case. For every story you read online about the little guy who fight the giant banks and won, there are 1000's more you don't hear about that make a simple mistake and lose. Texas civil law is riddled with loopholes and gotchas, with strict paperwork and filing deadlines that challenge even seasoned lawyers. Unfortunately, the law and the odds are stacked against you.

Your creditor has a team of lawyers in every state whose sole job is to sue and collect on unpaid debt (and they make a lot of money doing it). They will show up to court with thousands of pages of documents, and fly in "experts" from across the country, just to win a small judgment against you. Your creditor takes this very seriously, and so should you. The truth is, most people choose this option because they don't think they can afford a credit card debt lawyer to represent them. That's why we've made our fees simple and affordable, and provide low monthly payment plans, so you can get the valuable legal help you need. Don't pay thousands of dollars in late fees and charges to your creditor, when we can reduce or eliminate your debt altogether.


Let us fight on your behalf

Johnson & Bryan is a debt relief law firm that specializes in credit card debt lawsuits. All day, every day, we represent our clients against these greedy creditors. When you hire us to represent you, we completely take over your credit card debt lawsuit from start to finish. All collection efforts will stop immediately, including those annoying phone calls. Your creditor will only deal directly with us. We will also file all the necessary documents to challenge your creditor's lawsuit, and attend court for you on your behalf.

Most all of our communication can be handled over the phone or email, so you won't have to miss valuable time at work to deal with this issue. You'll always deal directly with an experienced credit card debt lawyer at our firm (never a paralegal or outsourced help), and we will keep you constantly updated with the status of your case. We will force your creditor to either dismiss or settle your debt lawsuit, or we will take them to court and make them convince the judge. Bottom line, we will fight tooth and nail to ensure you end up paying the least amount possible on your outstanding credit card debt balance.


Flat rate fees, with payment plans to match your budget.

Our firm believes in upfront and honest pricing. You'll pay one agreed upon amount at the start of your case, based on the amount of your debt. That fee won't change, regardless of how many phone calls we make, documents we fax, or court appearances we attend on your behalf. We're here to help you resolve your financial situation, not add more debt to your plate.

If you can't afford the total fee upfront, don't worry! We will gladly set up a interest free payment plan with a monthly payment that fits your budget. If you have an extremely complex case, or more than one debt lawsuit to resolve, we'll work with you to provide one bundled discounted rate to handle all of your issues at once. We'll work together to get you back on your feet.

Payment Plans start as low as
$100 / month
Amount of Debt Our Fee
$2,000 or less $500
$2,001 to $4,000 $600
$4,001 to $6,000 $750
$6,001 to $8,000 $1,000
$8,001 to $10,000 $1,200
$10,001 to $15,000 $1,250
$15,001 to $20,000 $1,500
$20,001 and above Please Call
Interested in our fees for other debt relief services?
Our clients have saved over
by letting us fight for them
Our clients pay less than
of their original debt
We've helped over
people just like you


See what others have to say about our services.

I would highly recommend this Law Practice. I called them when I was served papers and they consulted with me over the phone, answering all of my questions. I immediately hired Mr. Johnson and have been extremely satisfied. This firm is very professional and I would hire them again without a doubt.

Deborah M.
Debt Settlement & Negotiation

They treated me with 100% respect through this process and did exactly what they said they were going to do. Travis was very personable and eliminated any fear I had about facing this legal issue. I am glad I chose them to represent me and I would highly recommend them. They made it easy!

Garrett H.
Bankruptcy Defense

Working with the Johnson & Bryan law firm was painless. There was a flat fee which I was able to pay in installments and they even got my case dismissed. I had never been through something like this before and they were able to ease my mind every step of the way.

Crystal T.
Debt Lawsuit Defense

This firm helped my family though a very stressful time while dealing with an issue that was over 15 years old. Very quick to respond to emails with any questions and very professional when meeting with them personally. I highly recommend them if you are in need of a lawyer.

Jeff P.
Judgment Defense

In the past 2 years this law firm has gone above and beyond to help me with my financial issues. They have eliminated almost all of my debt within the 1st year and are still taking care of the rest. Their rapid response to any and all communication has made this experience as pleasant as it can be considering the situation. If you need help this law firm is by far one of the best.

Robert V.
Debt Lawsuit Defense

I was referred to Mr. Johnson by a friend. He answered all of my questions in a timely manner and clarified any concerns I had. It saved me a lot of time to not have to go into the office, everything was conducted over emails. So far, I'm very satisfied with the service.

Patricia B.
Debt Lawsuit Defense

Legal Services We Provide

Debt Lawsuit Defense

Experienced lawyers take over your case from start to finish, to obtain the best possible result.

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Debt Settlement

Consolidate your debt into one low monthly payment, at a fraction of what you owe.

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Wipe away your debt through Chapter 7 Bankruptcy and get a financial fresh start.

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Judgment Defense

Proven strategies to fight old judgments and get them removed from your record.

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Lien Releases

Remedies to clear that clouded title on your property so you can sell it hassle free.

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Let's Discuss Your Case

No obligation. No fee. Just good legal advice.

Let's have a quick discussion about your credit card debt lawsuit and create a plan together to tackle this issue. There's no charge for our initial consultation. We'll quickly analyze your case and recommend the best options to resolve your debt. You can decide where to go from there.